International Training Projects
Vai ai materiali didattici
00_Course Programme
01_Cataloguing norms: general principles
02_Computerised cataloguing instruments
03_The catalogue sheet contents: main sections
04_Cataloguing standards for architectural properties
05_Cultural property containers
06_Assessment Archaeology
06a_Cataloguing sheet_Norm_RA3.00
08_Guidelines for geocoding/ georeferencing of cultural properties in SIGECweb
09_Authority file
09a_Cataloguing sheet_Norm_Authority file
10_ Cataloguing sheet_Norm_ A3.00
11_ Cataloguing sheet_Norm_PG3.00
12_ Cataloguing architectural heritage parks and gardens
13_Interoperability of MIBACT information systems
14_Interoperability between SIGECweb and the VIR cooperative platform
15_Emergency measures and storage management
16_Consulting the cultural properties catalogue; Development of "thematic routes"
18_ Cataloguing sheet_Norm_OA3.00